Intro sample of brand elements
The Danish Museum of Technology is relocating to central Copenhagen and reimagining its visual identity to better connect people with technology.

I created this project in Denmark for a design class partnering with the museum, and it will be used to inspire the museum's upcoming transformation.
Brand Identity Designer

3 months, March 2023 - May 2023

Adobe Illustrator, Figma
Pink divider bar
1. Research
Site Visit
My first step was to tour the museum to understand its current visual identity and technology collection on view.
2 images of the real museum's facade with orange and white branding on large posters.
Images of technologies on view in the museum, including retro smartphones, cars, bikes, and computers.
Curator Insights
Next, I met with Jacob, the museum's curator, who taught me about the vision for the upcoming transformation.
Affinity map of values, problems and solutions, and a map of the old and new location..
Pink divider bar
2. Strategy
Talk with Tech!
The new visual language for the Danish Museum of Technology sparks conversations between people and technology.
Diagram explaining the project's why, how, and what. Why: spark conversations between people and technology. How: connective and active visual elements. What: visual identity for the danish museum of technology
Pink divider bar
3. Design & Iterate
Say Hi to a New Name
Most Danes speak both Danish and English, making this bilingual play on words memorable for locals and tourists.

Wordmark reading "HEJ TEK" explaining the danish and english translations.
Logo Iterations
I started ideating in my sketchbook, aiming to capture the new building and conversation-based identity.
2 sketchbook pages of my logo brainstorming.
First Logo
Feedback on this first idea was that it was a great start, but it's complexity made it rigid to use and hard to recognize.
Logo 1: a black waving hand using the new building's 3 iconic smokestacks  as the fingers. The name "HEJ TEK" is on the palm.
Optimized Logo
Feedback on this simplified version was awesome, it's simplicity made it versatile to use and recognizable.
Logo 2: a black box with a triangle in the bottom left making it look like a speech bubble. The name "HEJ TEK" is centered in the box. Explanation that the box mirrors the pixel-shaped architecture of the new building, for example its many square windows.
Technological Typography
3 fonts were selected for their high-tech characteristics.
Typography hierarchy with title as box, header as iceland, and subheader and body as space grotesque light
Title Font Customizations
The middle bar of "E" was cut to match the logo's angle. Letters such as "K" and "R" were modified to enhance legibility.
Letter customizations  for E, K, and R
Header Font Feature
The negative space matches the shape of the logo.
Visual of the negative space fitting in the phrase "Art For Everyone".
Pink divider bar
4. Result
Hej Tek In Action
The brand identity and applications will be used to inspire the museum's upcoming transformation.
2 banners with pink, white, and black tech graphic elements advertising in front of the new brick building on a blue sky.
HEJ TEK poster mockup on a bus stop.
HEJ TEK poster mockup for Aura + Image exhibition.
Museum interior way finding mockup at staircase showing 3 floors and their respective exhibition titles.
Museum ticket mockup
Merch tote bad with pixel pattern
Merch postcard with pixel pattern
New brick building with 2 banners on facade and logo sign on side in front of a blue sky.

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